Monday, July 2, 2012

views and obstacles


1. Teaching is giving someone information in a way that encourages not only thought but more questions. It is important that a student not only learn about something but that they are given the opportunity to think (ponder) about things and ask more questions.

2. Meaningful connections and experiences in learning happen when a student is given the freedom to think and is shown how thinking and coming to their own conclusions should never be wrong, just a different way of looking at things. If a teacher uses scaffolding to encourage her students to become thinkers while helping them along the way, the student becomes a lifelong learner and thinker.

3. Media literacy as part of MS curriculum can be a core component for
creating informed citizens in the 21st century through being aware of where students look to for information. Today more and more students get their news about the world through, Twitter, Facebook and the John Stewart show. I teacher that wants to reach her students will understand these media and incorporate them into her lessons and the classroom. She will allow students to bring that information into the classroom to be discussed and analyzed by other students in order to open debate about what is going on in the world.

4. I know others have learned when they are excited and ask more in depth questions. I think when a student is excited about a lesson and is able to do things that inspire further thought, they are learning. I do not mean the type of learning that always translates to high test scores but the kind of learning that creates curiosity and interest. That is the kind of learning that lasts a lifetime.

5. A constructive learning environment occurs when there is activity that allows the students to draw their own conclusions. The constructivist theory of learning is when lessons are student driven with teacher guidance. This allows students to take the lesson in the direction in which they are interested and the teacher is there to make sure that they stay on the right path.


The top 10 obstacles facing middle level teachers:

10. Media
9.   Parent's expectations
8.   Creating lessons that are relevant to teenagers
7. Curriculum restrictions
6. Administrators agenda
5. Student's lack of focus
4. Large class size
3. Standardized Tests
2. The ability to reach all students of all levels.
1. Time to plan, time to teach, and time to research.

The top 10 obstacles facing young adolescent students:
10. Media
9.  Staying focused
8. Parent's expectations
7. Large classes
6. Outdated curriculum
5. Standardized tests
4. Time to do homework
3. Social issues with friends
2. Changing bodies and minds
1. Lack of sleep

The top 10 things you think ML educators need to know:

10. How to incorporate media into lessons
9. How to deal with helicopter parents
8. How to create lessons that encourage thinking and inspire questions
7. How to teach for the tests while encouraging students to think and be curious
6. How to deal with demands of administrators in a way that allows for the best learning environment for students.
5. How to be patient with surly teenagers.
4. How to understand what is important to young teens.
3. How to focus lessons so that students remain focused.
2. How to plan while remaining flexible.
1. How to manage time.